Hi there, I’m Leah McLaren, an award winning journalist, novelist and most recently, author of the memoir Where You End and I Begin, just out in America (HarperCollins), Canada (Penguin Random House) and Britain (John Murray Press). It recently got a rave in The Guardian and a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly and you can buy it at any major or minor English Language book retailer or Amazon.

Juvenescence means ‘the process of growing young.’

I started writing this newsletter two years ago and now have several thousand free subscribers and hundreds of paid ones. It makes up roughly a third of my income as a writer, and because of that I take it very seriously, though it doesn’t stop me trying to be funny.

Subscribers can expect a short, topical essay each week (usually Fridays) commenting on some aspect of contemporary culture that delights, excites or annoys me. Usually I try to make a clear argument and SAY SOMETHING rather than just warbling on on about my feelings, but sometimes I do that too because nobody’s perfect and emotions are interesting. What you’re getting here, in a nutshell, is my voice and perspective. A weekly slice of my brain on a plate.

I also play around with video, publish occasional guest essays and post regular interviews with other writers.

I was born and raised in central Canada and now live in North West London with my two young sons and Thomas Cromwell, a smooth tabby ratter.

I started my career as a columnist and feature writer for The Globe and Mail, Canada’s national broadsheet and in 2002 I was posted to the London bureau. After that I spent over a decade as the Europe correspondent for Maclean’s magazine. I’ve written three internationally-published books and also work as a screenwriter and podcaster. I’m also a qualified writing coach and hypnotherapist. Feel free to email me at leahkmclaren@gmail.com if you’d like to book a one-to-one session.

I cook and read and run in Kensal Green Cemetery near my house. William Thackery is buried there and whenever I jog pass his grave I think of how I once sat for the celebrated Canadian artist Joanne Tod who painted me as the social climbing arriviste Becky Sharp. (I agreed to the sitting before bothering to read the book. In my defence, I was 25.)

My narrative non-fiction, reportage, essays and commentary have been published in The Observer Magazine, The Guardian, The Spectator, The Sunday Times Style Magazine, Toronto Life and elsewhere. I’ve been nominated for a number of prestigious awards all of which I failed to win with the notable exception of a gold medal in the long features category of the National Magazine Awards in 2010. My work has been adapted to film, television and radio.


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You can subscribe by clicking the button below. At that point you will be offered a choice of either a free or paid option. Paid subscribers get all the best stuff, naturally, and access to my archive.

Over the years Juvenescence has evolved into a tight little community. The comment boards and paid subscriber Open Threads are brilliant. I actively engage with all my members and have made friends with many of them, which was not something I ever expected to do by starting this newsletter. We have members from all walks of life in seventeen different countries around the world. The global Juvenati are highly intelligent, engaged and — crucially — impeccably well-mannered. There is no squabbling, no drama, just fascinating people and lively engaging discussions. So do think about joining.

So that’s my pitch! If you’re curious to find out more, feel free to have a snoop around.

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Subscribe to Juvenescence with Leah McLaren

A newsletter by the journalist and author Leah McLaren. Weekly short essays on life, love, the creative unconscious and the tragicomedy of being alive -- plus regular video interviews with writers.
