May 2Liked by Leah McLaren

Women in high office are no less perfidious than men. It just takes different forms. Women are not angels any more than men are.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28Liked by Leah McLaren

"We have the personal boundaries of a cell undergoing osmosis and date men with as much a sense of duty as an amoeba."

Now there's a sentence you don't hear every day, even as a college biology teacher. Bravo.

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Have you tried just withholding kisses and more until after quite a few dates? A female friend calls what she does the 'ten paid dates' strategy.

Women can still show interest and affection in other ways: e.g. a WhatsApp saying "I really enjoyed talking to you. Really looking forward to our next date" that will keep a man who wants something meaningful interested and reassured he isn't in the 'friend zone'.

But it might also put off a lot of the men you want to put off, who only want casual sex with half of Westminster?

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"Why can’t men behave? I am not even talking about sexual harassment and groping, just garden variety romantic misbehaviour."

Men seek power in large part because women love powerful men. What's the point in working so hard and sacrificing to achieve power if the man is not going to use it for the benefits it brings? At the end of the day, these people and the wealthy, are just people, prone to all the foibles that any other person has. They are not special. They have a certain talent and worked hard to get to where they are.

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Good use of the verb 'honeytrap'.

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Margaret Thatcher screwed an entire generation of coal miners and left their wives and families heartbroken and very much poorer.

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Old white men (OWM) are the bain of our existence. They are greedy, they lie, they cheat and they steal. They have been allowed to do as they please for centuries thinking that they are better than women, and that women cannot do what they do. Any man past the age of 60 needs to retire and be replaced. I dream of a society that is run by women that are honest, true and look out for the interests of their fellow humans. After all, that is what we are, human beings, one no better than another. We all want the same thing, to live free, be kind and appreciate what we already have.

Greed should have NO place in our world! Greed causes war, famine, pestilence and all other maladies. Why have women NOT taken charge? What are we afraid of? There are more of us than there is of them. We let them take our freedom and our rights. No matter how high in political office we are, we still have to kowtow to a man! Look how long it took us to get the right to vote? We fought hard for it and we won. Men have made a mess of our societies for centuries and they are still continuing the trend, nothing changes, at least not for the better.

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You know very well why the rich, famous, or powerful men are so often promiscuous. Because there are so very many women who will allow those men to kiss them and do anything.


Anything, grab them by the pussy, anything. …

Only when being a male slut jerk fails, will most of those successful alpha slut jerks stop.

Many end, or at least hugely reduce, their numbers game after marriage, tho then so many sexy men have multiple sequential wives, like Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Trump.

None are good models of faithful relationships.

Men like young women (22! Under 30…), just as women like taller men. But tall men stay tall, while sexy young things don’t stay young.

And silly feminism wants men to ‘get in touch with their feelings’.

When many attractive guys, upon seeing a young lovely, FEEL that having hot sex with her would make them feel great, right now.

[oh no, not Those Feelings!]

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"Where is the female Bill Clinton?"

--- Hilary. If the conspiracy theory about her and Huma Abedin is to be believed.

"I’m talking about Harold Wilson, the bygone Labour leader and two-time Prime Minister and, as of last week, Westminster’s latest extra-marital shagger."

--- Polyamory should just be normalized globally and every marriage assumed to be an open one for all involved. That might be the only way to phase out scandals.

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"...when Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party, and my older, British fellow party members were pre-emptively mourning our election losses, I looked at them wide-eyed and confused. Why the cynicism? Who hurt you and stopped you believing in magic?"

It should by now be obvious that many in Labour preferred to lose to Johnson (and take the opportunity to purge Corbyn and his ilk) than win with Corbyn.

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I might have advised a change to the last line. It arouses my relentless lechery.

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